Per AmeriCorps regulations, fellows may not duplicate activities or displace staff. Fellows are only allowed to work on approved service activities, cannot engage in fundraising, and are prohibited from engaging in activities in 45 CFR § 2520.65. Fellows may exercise their rights as private citizens and may only participate in prohibited activities on non-AmeriCorps time, without‐AmeriCorps funds or affiliation, and cannot wear the AmeriCorps or CCAC logo while doing so.
Fellows are also prohibited from engaging in the following:
Capacity building is prohibited: Approved projects should minimize administrative tasks, such as answering phones or managing front desks. Fellows cannot replace employees and cannot have sole responsibility for higher level management activities.
Fundraising, lobbying, policy advocacy, and grant writing is strictly prohibited. Fellows may support some research needed to prepare grant proposals as needed for their approved project but cannot author or submit the grant application themselves.
Census activities are prohibited: AmeriCorps members and volunteers associated with AmeriCorps grants may not engage in census activities during service hours. Census-related activities (e.g., promotion of the Census, acting as a census taker, or education about the Census) are strictly prohibited.
Election and polling activities are prohibited: AmeriCorps members may not provide services for election or polling locations or in support of such activities.
Fellows may exercise their rights as private citizens in these activities outside of
fellowship hours and while not wearing AmeriCorps or fellowship gear.