California Climate Action Corps Host Partner Application

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Thank you for your interest in hosting fellows for the California Climate Action Corps 2025-26 fellowship.

California Volunteers, Office of the Governor first launched the California Climate Action Corps (CCAC) fellowship in 2021 as a Governor's initiative leveraging AmeriCorps to advance local climate actions that engage communities, cultivate change, and leave a lasting impact. In fall 2025, 400 fellows (AmeriCorps members) will serve an 11-month, 1,700-hour term with host partner organizations throughout the state from September 15, 2025, to August 14, 2026. 

Public agencies, tribes, nonprofits, and educational institutions organized not-for-profit are eligible to apply to host CCAC fellows for this term of service. Becoming a host partner is a unique opportunity to support and mentor emerging climate leaders while helping your community achieve its climate action goals. We are excited about the opportunity to partner with you.

Unlike most AmeriCorps programs, host partners are not required to provide matching funds for this program but are expected to dedicate significant staff time (approx. 10 hours per month per fellow) to:

  • Recruit/screen fellow candidates.
  • Attend host partner orientation and monthly meetings.
  • Provide site/project-specific training for fellows.
  • Supervise fellows’ day-to-day service.
  • Approve fellows’ timecards.
  • Report fellows’ outcomes/impacts monthly.

Host partners may also be asked to participate in site visits or media inquiries.

Please note a recent change in our application process: organizations proposing positions at multiple sites located in different regions (distinct geographical locations) must now submit separate applications for each site. This change allows each site the flexibility to customize position titles, descriptions, and site supervisors. It also ensures accurate recruitment efforts by clearly aligning positions with their respective locations.

Please note: Final participation as a 2025-26 fellowship host partner is contingent upon continued program funding.

To begin, please enter your email address below. You may preview the full application here. Please note that clicking any external links will navigate away from the application unless you right-click and open the link in a new page or window. Please click here to review additional resources to facilitate the application process.

Before you complete this application, please review our website and Host Partner Requirements and Expectations. Your application will be shared between California Volunteers, Office of the Governor (CV), and our implementing grantee partner, Bay Area Community Resources (BACR). Submission of this application is the first step in the selection process. Completion of the application does not guarantee fellow placement or obligate your organization to participate. The application process includes the following steps: 1. Submit one online application form by February 14, 2025. 2. Program staff will review applications and may request clarification on proposed projects to ensure alignment with program goals and structure. New Host Partners are conditionally approved pending site visits, clarifications, and a thorough review to ensure program alignment. Conditional approval may be retracted if expectations or requirements are not met. 3. Host partner selections are expected to be confirmed by March 31, 2025. 4. BACR and approved host partners will sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) outlining mutual roles, expectations, and responsibilities. Please note: The document linked here is the draft of the MOU for the upcoming term, and the language may change before it is finalized. 5. Approved Site Supervisors will attend three, one-hour orientation sessions before the term begins. 6. Host partners will review, interview, and select candidates May-August, and BACR will extend offers until all positions are filled. Note: Final acceptance into the program as a host partner is contingent upon successful placement of fellows within the specified deadlines.

The California Climate Action Corps (CCAC) fellowship was created to help public agencies, nonprofit organizations, tribes, and educational institutions mobilize communities through volunteer engagement, climate action, and education. This program is fully funded by federal and state investments, eliminating the need for partner financial contributions. However, there are a number of other AmeriCorps programs across California also helping community partners meet their climate goals in different ways. The CCAC fellowship is designed to support unmet needs related to engaging communities in climate action, rather than duplicate or displace existing AmeriCorps service. With that in mind, if you have already applied to another AmeriCorps program to host members during the same period this program will run (September 15, 2025 – August 14, 2026) and have an identified match for that placement, we ask that you not seek to replace that support through the CCAC fellowship. You can explore the full portfolio of AmeriCorps California programs here and search for those that best align with your needs. Note: Organizations managing their own AmeriCorps program or hosting other AmeriCorps members are eligible to apply to become CCAC host partners, but the role of the requested CCAC fellows should be distinct.

Section I: Organization Information

Please tell us about your organization. (Approx. 10-15 minutes to complete this section)

Note: Applicant MUST be the agency or organization that will directly host and supervise fellows and sign the Memorandum of Understanding for the CCAC fellowship. Applications on behalf of a third-party organization will not be considered. If your organization is based outside of California, you must list an office address within California to apply.

Social Media

Main Address

Mailing Address

Section II: Project Overview

Please tell us details about your project and how it aligns with the mission and goals of the CCAC fellowship for accurate project representation and effective recruitment. (Approx. 30-60 minutes to complete this section)

Proposed Time Commitment
Fellows are expected to serve approximately 40 hours per week; however individual schedules may vary. Please provide the anticipated time commitment for the fellow’s service at your site. Include the specific days of the week and hours fellows are expected to serve (e.g., "Monday through Friday, approximately 8am - 5pm, with occasional evening and weekend commitments based on project needs"). This information will help us accurately reflect the position's schedule in the final position description.

What are the expected service hours for Fellows at your site?

Example: Monday - Friday, approximately 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM, with occasional evening and weekend commitments based on project needs.
   AM to
with occasional evening and weekend commitments based on project needs.

Fellows must serve at least 2 days onsite per week. 

“Onsite” refers to working at your office, field location, or community event—which may differ from your organization’s address. Per AmeriCorps guidelines, fully remote positions are NOT allowed. While hybrid arrangements are permitted, priority is given to placements where fellows serve onsite for the majority of their service hours. Fellows cannot serve from the homes of site supervisors or other staff.

Primary Physical Site Address
This could be an office or field location but should reflect a specific address where fellows will spend the majority of their time. Organizations proposing positions at multiple sites located in different regions (distinct geographical locations) must now submit separate applications for each site. Fellows cannot serve at the home of a Site Supervisor or staff from your organization. It is crucial that this address is accurate, as CCAC staff will focus recruitment efforts on directing potential applicants to this specific location.

Priority Populations Designation

Please refer to the California Air Resources Board’s (CARB’s) Priority Populations Map to determine if this primary service location is within a disadvantaged community or low-income community. 

Directions: Enter the primary service address in the search bar and click on the yellow dot for your location. When the information box appears for that census tract, the Designation field will state if the census tract is located within a Disadvantaged community (will say “Disadvantaged community”), Low-income community (will say “Low-income community), or other. If the Designation field states “DAC 1/2 mile neighbor” or “Not a priority population area: low-income households are eligible”, the location is not considered a disadvantaged community or low-income community for the purposes of this program. For questions or assistance, please contact Lindsay Righter at

Service Address

Please list any other location(s) fellows will be serving more than 10% of their Fellowship hours.

Please click 'add another response' if there is more than one site. 

Section III: Project Description

Please tell us about your project and how it aligns with the mission and goals of the CCAC fellowship. (Approx. 30-60 minutes to complete this section)

Project Activity Allocation: Program targets require fellows to allocate roughly 40% of their time to Climate Volunteer Engagement, 20% to Climate Action, 20% to Climate Education and/or Outreach, and 20% to Training and Professional Development. Project proposals should generally follow this allocation, though alternate breakdowns may be considered.

Position Title: When selecting position titles, consider options that reflect the focus area, accurately represent the work, and titles that could enhance a fellow’s resume for post-fellowship career opportunities. Titles should be concise (1-3 words) and relevant to terms commonly found on job search platforms. Here are some examples:

Wildfire Project Coordinator

Urban Greening Specialist

Food Rescue Lead

Climate Action Associate

Community Resilience Organizer

Sustainability Project Assistant

Environmental Outreach Fellow

Note: With over 90 host partners, each site is limited to a single position title for recruitment. While fellows at a given site may have varied roles and responsibilities, all fellows will share the same title. Please enter the position title that best conveys the proposed position.

Position Description

Please further specify the fellow roles and responsibilities for this position. If your application is approved, this information will be used to create a position description to be publicly posted during recruitment and attract applicants. For guidance, refer to our position description toolkit to ensure your responses are compelling, accurate, and concise, as shorter descriptions are more effective in reaching potential applicants excited to join your project.

Note: The program cannot accommodate requests for advanced degrees or highly technical skills. The age, background, and experience of fellows varies widely, though many tend to be recent college graduates. 

Reporting Metrics and Project Impact: Fellow activities must be measurable through one or more of the approved metrics below, in alignment with grant requirements. These metrics are essential in demonstrating the success of the program. Host Partners will be required to report on these metrics monthly to validate the impact of each project. For reference, please review this reporting template for more details. All Host Partners are also required to track volunteer engagement and hours served via Golden Volunteer (free account provided).

Section IV: Organization Contacts

Please provide key organization contacts and refer to the definitions listed below. You may list the same person for multiple roles, but only one person may be identified as the 

"Site Supervisor" and “Mentor.” (Approx. 10-20 minutes to complete this section)

Note: California Volunteers, Office of the Governor sends emails with program stories, events, and resources. All contacts listed may be added to the distribution list, but can unsubscribe at any time.

Partner Applicantthe person completing this form/point of contact for project communications

Example: (444)444-4444
Signatory for Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): the person responsible for signing legal contracts at your organization (may be the Partner Applicant or someone else).

Example: (444)444-4444
Site SupervisorThe anticipated onsite supervisor who will oversee fellows on a day-to-day basis, ensure opportunities for full-time service, and complete all program administrative responsibilities (Approx. 8-10 hours per month per fellow).

Example: (444)444-4444
MentorThe mentor cannot be the site supervisor or a scope lead. The mentor provides mentorship, career guidance, and professional development to help fellows acclimate to the organization and climate field (Approx. 8-10 hours per term per fellow). For more information, see the Mentor Guide.

Example: (444)444-4444
Scope Lead(s): Provides additional day-to-day guidance and supervision on service projects if fellows’ tasks cannot be easily overseen directly by their site supervisor. They can also meet weekly with fellows. Scope leads are required to attend monthly meetings with the regional supervisor and monthly host partner meetings. Scope leads may not be identified as the "Site Supervisor" or “Mentor.” Scope lead(s) are an optional position and are not required.

Example: (444)444-4444

Section V: Host Partner Responsibilities

Please confirm your understanding of Host Partner supervisory/administrative responsibilities and outline support and resources you will provide for the fellows. (Approx. 5-10 minutes to complete this section)

Workspace Availability: All approved Host Partners must provide each fellow with a dedicated workstation in an office setting, equipped with a desk, computer, telephone, and other necessary office supplies and technology. This workspace must support fellows in completing virtual trainings, timecards, reporting, and all other responsibilities required by the site and fellowship.

Site Supervisor Responsibilities: Our program is committed to developing the next generation of climate leaders by providing a strong professional development experience for fellows. A critical part of that experience is placing fellows under the guidance of a site supervisor who can help each fellow learn and grow. The primary site supervisor you listed above should work on-site with fellows to oversee daily project tasks on-site, support their professional development, and complete program administrative requirements. Site supervisor responsibilities are estimated to be approximately 8 hours per month per fellow, including:

1. Recruit, screen, and interview fellow candidates to support successful placement (May-August).

2. Attend site supervisor orientation and monthly Host Partner meetings (Approx. 1 hour per month)

3. Orient fellows to your organization and project.

4. Provide fellows with 40 hours of service per week, supervise fellow service, and support their professional development.

5. Conduct weekly check-ins with each fellow to provide regular feedback and/or guidance.

6. Partner with program staff to resolve any challenges or concerns.

7. Approve biweekly timesheets, submitting monthly impact reports, and completing mid-term and end-of-term fellow/program evaluations.

Per program policy to prevent conflicts of interest and ensure that decisions regarding hiring, promotion, and performance evaluation are made objectively and based on merit, fellows should not be supervised or in a position to be evaluated by a relative or someone with whom they have a close personal relationship.

Candidate Recruitment Support: The program is committed to recruiting a strong and diverse cohort of fellows who will have a positive impact on the communities they serve. Part of our success in building a strong cohort is recruiting broadly and locally. Identifying local candidates who already know the community and have connections for housing or support can be a significant advantage and tends to be most successful. To bolster our efforts, we ask host partners to share recruitment information through their local networks, such as online postings, social media, newsletters, website announcements, partner meetings, etc. Your direct outreach will result in a stronger candidate pool and more successful placement. The program will provide a recruitment toolkit.

Collective Impact Support: Site supervisors are required to oversee and submit monthly impact reports that distill total outcomes and community success stories by the fifth of each month. This data is crucial and used for frequent reporting to AmeriCorps, the Governor's Office, and legislators, as well as general storytelling purposes. Host partners may also be requested to participate in site visits with public officials or media to demonstrate the impact of fellows and this program in their community.

Section VI: AmeriCorps Considerations

Per AmeriCorps regulations, fellows may not duplicate activities or displace staff. Fellows are only allowed to work on approved service activities, cannot engage in fundraising, and are prohibited from engaging in activities in 45 CFR § 2520.65. Fellows may exercise their rights as private citizens and may only participate in prohibited activities on non-AmeriCorps time, without‐AmeriCorps funds or affiliation, and cannot wear the AmeriCorps or CCAC logo while doing so.

Fellows are also prohibited from engaging in the following:

Capacity building is prohibited: Approved projects should minimize administrative tasks, such as answering phones or managing front desks. Fellows cannot replace employees and cannot have sole responsibility for higher level management activities.

Fundraising, lobbying, policy advocacy, and grant writing is strictly prohibited. Fellows may support some research needed to prepare grant proposals as needed for their approved project but cannot author or submit the grant application themselves.

Census activities are prohibited: AmeriCorps members and volunteers associated with AmeriCorps grants may not engage in census activities during service hours. Census-related activities (e.g., promotion of the Census, acting as a census taker, or education about the Census) are strictly prohibited.

Election and polling activities are prohibited: AmeriCorps members may not provide services for election or polling locations or in support of such activities.

Fellows may exercise their rights as private citizens in these activities outside of

fellowship hours and while not wearing AmeriCorps or fellowship gear.